Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Egg Freezing

bluemoon | 7:30 AM |

More women are choosing to freeze their eggs for a chance of motherhood later on in life. Various factors ranging from waiting for" the one", to focusing on career influence these decisions. Last year companies such as Facebook and Apple started offering elective egg-freezing as an employee benefit. They got a lot of flack for encouraging women to defer child bearing for their own gain. It was viewed as sexist and a bid to see women remain childless so they can work long hours.

Motherhood is a blessing that every woman who desires should have a chance to experience. I was a stay at home mum when I was having my kids so I did not need to freeze my eggs. As a woman though I can empathize with women who are caught between these 2 worlds. Should they put their careers on hold and have their babies or  put motherhood on hold while the viability of their eggs dwindle by the day. More conservative minds think this is selfish of women especially due to the health risks involved.  But my question is; if this was a man's dilemma would it be selfish? Why can't women be in control of their child bearing decisions and uterus? What do you think of egg freezing?

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