Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spooky revelation about rescue of toddler who was trapped in car for 14 hours

bluemoon | 11:06 AM |
Yesterday I posted the story of 18-month-old Lily who was miraculously rescued 14 hours after the car that was driven by her mother plunged into a river. If you missed, it read it here. New reports have emerged from police officers who rescued the toddler claiming they could hear a woman's voice from the car asking for help! Could this have been the baby's mother  Lynn Groesbeck speaking from beyond?

“We could see a person in the front seat and then we heard a voice saying, ‘Help me, we’re in here.’ It was clear as day,” said officer Tyler Beddoes of the Spanish Fork Police Department." For two nights I've laid awake trying to figure out exactly what it could be. All I know is it was there, we all heard it,” added officer Beddoes. “It was extra motivation.
Meanwhile, baby Lily has improved and is said to be smiling and responding to family members. That is just awesome!

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